BBC Somali Radyosu dinle

BBC Somali Radyosu

Listen live to BBC Somali Radio! Stay updated with the latest news, informative programs, and cultural insights from Somalia and around the world. Tune in to BBC Somali Radio live.

The BBC Somali Service is a BBC World Service radio station that broadcasts in the Somali language. It is based in Broadcasting House in West London and in Nairobi, Kenya, where most of the radio and digital operations are located. The majority of its listeners reside in the Horn of Africa region and nearby areas.

Established on July 18, 1957, the BBC Somali Service initially aired two 15-minute weekly programs, which were expanded to a daily 30-minute broadcast by July 1961. Over the years, the service has increased its broadcast frequency and now airs three 30-minute programs and one 1-hour program daily.

The BBC Somali Service aims to provide a vital link between Somalis in Somalia and the Somali diaspora around the world. It is praised for its reporting that originates in the Somali language, rather than relying on translations from English. This approach has helped the service become a trusted and relevant source of news and information for its audience.

According to surveys, the BBC Somali Service is the most listened-to international radio station in Somalia, with an impressive reach of 1.7 million listeners. It broadcasts in Somali, English, and Arabic, and the majority of its audience in the country tunes in to the Somali-language programming.

The BBC Somali Service offers a diverse range of radio programming, including a one-hour debate show, a weekly sports program, and news and current affairs coverage. Listeners can access the service through FM radio, mobile phones, and the BBC Somali website. The service also engages with its audience through social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Beyond Somalia, the BBC Somali Service has a substantial audience in the wider region, including Kenya, and among Somalis in the diaspora. The service’s commitment to providing trustworthy and objective reporting has made it a vital source of information for Somali-speaking communities around the world.

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